Monday, June 18, 2012

Memory Box

My mom has a giant wooden chest that she has been saving sentimental things in since us kids were born. she has tiny baby shoes, and things we made, school papers, and awards. I love looking through it, and quite a few years ago I decided to make one of my own. My mom calls her box "the forever box." I like to think of it as a place to store memories. I have two boxes of my one. One is for memories with my friends and family, and things that are personal to me. The other is a collection of things I've kept since I met Corey. 

This is the box I use for the items I've kept since I met Corey. I love the cute little flowers on it. 

This is a bigger, less-fancy box that I keep the other items in. It's pretty full now, and I think I'll get a different box eventually and decorate it myself. For now, it's not really the box that matters though, it's what you keep inside. 

This is what one of the boxes looks like inside. Just on the top I can see a box that has sentimental jewelry in it, a wrist band from an amusement park, a medal I won, letters, and notes my friends and I used to write in high school. It looks like there's some pictures in there too. There are countless things I've kept in here.   

This is the box I keep for the memories I have with Corey. It opens like a book. 

Corey and I are pretty simple people, and we don't really do too many things or go too many special places. I try to remember to collect something from the the special things we do, but a lot of the things I've kept are just things from ordinary days spent together, but they mean just as much. 

This is the tag from the first Christmas tree we got together. 

This is what is left of a little toy we used to call "Happy Henry." He was a red stress ball with yellow , stringy hair and a  big smile. We used to bring him to the casino with us for good luck. 

A birthday card Corey made for me, and got our other friends to sign. 

A wrist band form a night out at the upfront. 

A tag from the first, and only time we ever went snowboarding together. Corey fell and hit his head and had to be helped to the car. It was scary and I guess we just haven't gotten the courage to try it out again yet. 

A birthday card I created and sent to Corey a few years ago when we spent the summer apart. 

A list I made for him last year of the things I love about him. 

The little air freshener that I kept from the car we have shared. He's been to a lot of places with us. 

The phone Corey had when we met. I'm not sure if it even works anymore, but there might be some old pictures or texts on there. Some of the first phone calls and text messages we  made to each other were on there, so I decided to keep it.

There are a lot more things in here that I've kept but I just wanted to share a few. I think eventually, when we have our own house, I might take some of them and make a shadow box with them to hang in our bedroom. 

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